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Practical Applications of Heat - Edited by
Sanborn C. Brown
1969 The Belknap Press of Harvard University
Volume II covers the practical applications of
heat and Count Rumford’s papers
on the propagation of heat in liquids, the heat
of combustion of many substances and
the management of fire and the economy of fuel.
First Publication - Hardcover - Dust Jacket - 523 pages -
Un-circulated, New $65.00 add |
“Fire is like a little piece of the sun which has been given to
humankind. Fire has always had a mystical, even sacred, quality. Many
traditions recognize Fire Gods and use proper rituals to pay homage to
them and even to tame them.
The wave length of a burning fire is very similar to the wave length of
the setting sun. Fire and the setting sun have a very special influence
on the human psyche.
Just as we are drawn, alone or with friends, to the quiet magic of a
sunset, so to does a fire invite company and the sharing of its warmth
and pleasure.”
And so begins the best English text on Finnish masonry heaters. Finnish
heaters are just one type of masonry heater style that has developed
since the dark ages of wood burning began. Are you a dedicated wood
burner? Interested in the technology and mindset behind one of the most
efficient and healthy ways to heat homes and cook with wood? Then order
a copy (or two—one for your best friend or customer) of this very fine,
hard to find introduction to the masonry heater world. You won’t regret
it. And who knows—you might just get hooked by the possibilities this
world will open up to you.
Finnish Fireplaces—Heart of the Home , 103 pgs., soft cover $35.00 add
“This is an authoritative text on the subject of the open fireplace.
Profusely illustrated and organized into clearly defined sections to
facilitate easy reference, it will be of great value to architects,
building inspectors, trade instructors, masonry contactors... and even
to the prospective owner of a fireplace. 
The open fireplace has the reputation of being a very inefficient
household appliance on the basis of energy use considerations. ...With
this in mind, the author initiated a fireplace research project at the
Center for Research and Development in Masonry in 1979... . The
objective of the program is to re-design the conventional open fireplace
to actually contribute to home heating rather than being an energy
waster. ... Substantially, however, the text is based on the author’s
lifetime of experience with fireplaces, as a hands-on builder, masonry
contractor and knowledgeable observer of the performance insitu.
Harry Morestead, the author, is well-known and widely respected in North
American masonry industry circles and Canada’s masonry research
community. A long term member of numerous masonry code and standards
writing committees, co-author (with O. Knudsen) of a previously
published design and construction guide to the all-masonry fireplace
entitled “Fireplace Report” (published by the Alberta Masonry Institute
in conjunction with the City of Calgary) and invited lecturer on masonry
construction practice at several Canadian universities and technical
colleges, he has earned the right to have this book recognized as the
reference text by all who have anything to do with open fireplaces no
matter what their involvement or expertise.”
From the foreward by M.A. Ward
Fireplace Technology In An Energy Conscious World, 95 pages, softcover
$34.95 add |
Softcover edition, David Lyle, 192 pages. A comprehensive survey of all types of masonry heating systems.
Traces the development of these systems through the centuries. Plans and photos of a variety of heaters booth
antique and modern. A must-have book by one of the acknowledged experts in the field.
“... millions of Americans have discovered the economic benefits and personal pleasures of heating with wood. At the same time, many have discovered that there are serious problems associated with wood heat and iron stoves: chimney fires from creosote, air pollution from poor combustion, and structural fires caused by faulty stove installation. The masonry stove, widely used in Europe and Asia for centuries, surmounts these problems.
The Book of Masonry Stoves represents the first comprehensive survey ever published of all the major types of masonry heating systems, ancient and modern. Detailed plans and building information are included in the people rediscover the economic and personal pleasures of heating with wood—an old way of warming—using masonry stoves.
David Lyle, one of the best-informed people in the U.S. in the woodburning field, has tested a great variety of stoves during the past 15 years. For several years he was the national distributor of Lange stoves in the U.S. In addition to his professional work with woodburning stoves, Mr. Lyle has been heating his home with for over ten years.”
The Book of Masonry Stove, 192 pgs., soft cover $34.95 add |
NFPA 211
Protect lives with safer chimneys, fireplaces, and vents. 
Avoid dangerous errors and maximize safety in residential and nonresidential properties. Consult the new guidelines in NFPA 211 for construction projects involving chimneys, fireplaces, vents, and solid fuel-burning appliances.
Significant changes in the 2006 NFPA 211 include:
- Revised structural and foundation requirements for chimneys and fireplaces
- Changes in the effective area of chimney connectors
- Revised provisions for firebox/fireplace construction and sizing
Apply the accepted rules for everything from selection of equipment to installation to inspection. A chapter on maintenance provides facts about inspection of existing chimneys and cleaning methods. NFPA 211 is essential for architects, installers, equipment manufacturers, AHJ's, and building owners.
NFPA 211, 51 pgs., soft cover $79.95 add |
NFPA 31: Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment provides the guidance you need to install appliances for safe and efficient use in industrial, commercial, and residential occupancies. Just revised and improved, it’s the industry benchmark for installing boilers, air heaters, water heaters, and domestic range burners.
Major changes in the 2006 edition include:
- Revised and simplified requirements for installing fuel oil tanks inside buildings. The new provisions are parallel to NFPA 37: Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines.
- Rules for installing oil safety valves and thermally operated shutoff valves
- Guidance on using crankcase and used motor oils as fuels
- Protocols for taking fuel oil tanks temporarily or permanently out of service
This edition also clarifies responsibilities of service technicians installing appliances, and includes diagrams illustrating cross-connection of two-, three-, and four-tank installations.
NFPA 31, 60 pgs., soft cover $49.95 add |

Collected Works of Count Rumford, Finnish Fireplaces, Fireplace Technology, Practical Applications of Heat, Edited by Sanborn C. Brown, 1969 The Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, ISBN-10: 1890132098, ISBN-13: 978-1890132095, masonry stove, masonry fireplace, Russian stove, Russian masonry stove, masonry heater, fireplace, stove, wood burning, masonry oven, earth oven, brick oven, bread oven, pizza oven